Huntingdon, Page 6

61. Huntingdon, 6th St. below Washington St.

62. Huntingdon, 12th and Moore St.

63. Huntingdon, William Smith Playground

64. Huntingdon, Weis Market Playground

65. Huntingdon, Laney’s Feed Mill

66. Somewhere in Huntingdon

67. Huntingdon, Fifth St. and Allegheny

68. Huntingdon, Hallbritter Performing Arts Center

69. Huntingdon, Willow Alley between 9th and 10th

70. Huntingdon, Susquehanna Ave, between 15th and 16th

71.Huntingdon, Willow Alley between 9th and 10th

72. Huntingdon, Willow Alley between 9th and 10th

Huntingdon Galleries, Page 7